Product development Visitor center of the Šance fortification within the product of Technotrasa, raw beauty
Project „Product development Visitor center of the Šance fortification within the product of Technotrasa, raw beauty“, implemented from 1.1. to 31.10.2021, is financed within the subsidy program of the Moravian - Silesian Region RRC /05/2021 - Support of technical attractions in the Moravian - Silesian Region in 2021.
The beneficiary of the support is GOTIC Mosty u Jablunkova, a contributory organization.
Extension of mobile elements for GOTIC events
GOTIC, funded organization, received a grant for a project of "Extension of mobile elements for GOTIC events", No.: 20/005/19210/780/152/001822. Supported by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development within the Rural Development Program for the period 2014-2020 and the 5th call of the LAG Jablunkovsko, z. S. In the amount of CZK 72.800.
Visitor center of the Šance fortification - promotion of a new product within the product of Technotrasa, raw beauty
Project " Visitor center of the Šance fortification - promotion of a new product within the product of Technotrasa, raw beauty", implemented from 1.1. to 31.10.2020, is financed within the subsidy program of the Moravian - Silesian Region RRC / 05/2020 Support of technical attractions in the Moravian - Silesian Region in 2020. No. 01927/2020/RRC.
The beneficiary of the support is GOTIC Mosty u Jablunkova, a contributory organization.
Support for TIC Mosty u Jablunkova 2020
GOTIC, funded organization, received a grant from the financial resources of Moravian-Silesian Region, a program called “ RRC/06/2020 - Support of tourist information centres in Moravian-Silesian Region” for a project of “Support for TIC Mosty u Jablunkova 2020”, No. 01928/2020/RRC.
Support for TIC Mosty u Jablunkova 2019
GOTIC, funded organization, received a grant from the financial resources of Moravian-Silesian Region, a program called “ RRC/02/2019 - Support of tourist information centres in Moravian-Silesian Region” for a project of “Support for TIC Mosty u Jablunkova 2019”, No. 01304/2019/RRC.
Fortification of Šance - a common history that unites to this day
GOTIC, a contributory organization received a subsidy from the funds of the Microproject Fund of the Euroregion Cieszyn Silesia - Śląsk Cieszyński program Interreg V-A 2014-2020 CR-Poland for the project "Fortification of Šance - a common history that unites to this day", registration number CZ.11.2.45/0.0/0.0/16_010/0002274, in the amount of EUR 30000. Project partner: Gminny Ośrodek Kultury, Promocji, Informacji Turystycznej i Biblioteka Publiczna w Istebnej.
Support for TIC Mosty u Jablunkova 2018
GOTIC, funded organization, received a grant from the financial resources of Moravian-Silesian Region, a program called “RRC/07/2018 - Support of tourist information centres in Moravian-Silesian Region” for a project of “Support for TIC Mosty u Jablunkova 2018”, No. 06659/2018/RRC.
Improvement of promotion and services of GOTIC
GOTIC, funded organization, received a grant from the financial resources of Moravian-Silesian Region, a program called “RRC/06/2017 - Support of tourist information centres in Moravian-Silesian Region” for a project of “Improvement of promotion and services of GOTIC”, No. 0244/2017/RRC
Tripoint – the joy to explore
GOTIC, funded organization has received a grant from the Microprojects Fund of Euroregion of Těšínské Slezsko - Śląsk Cieszyński of Interreg V-A 2014-2020 Czech Republic-Poland for the project of “Tripoint - the joy to explore”, registration number: CZ.11.2.45/0.0/0.0/16_010/0000400, in the amount of EUR 12,615. The partner of the project is Gminny Ośrodek Kultury, Promocji, Informacji Turystycznej i Biblioteka Publiczna w Istebnej.
Mosty u Jablunkova and its GOTIC want to become known!
GOTIC, funded organization, received a grant from the financial resources of Moravian-Silesian Region, a program called “RRC/06/2016 - Support of tourist information centres in Moravian-Silesian Region” for a project of “Mosty u Jablunkova and its GOTIC want to become known!”
Look to neighbours
Gotic, contributory organization got grant from the resource of Fond micro-projects operation programme The Cross-border Cooperation Programme Slovak Republic - Czech Republic 2007-2013 for project " Look to neigbours", reg. number CZ/FMO.12/0324. Partner of project is Cultur and Information Centre of Town in Čadca.
Modern and efficient dissemination of information from the GOTIC
GOTIC, contributory organization recieved grant from the contribution of the Moravian-Silesian Region, program "RRC/02/2013 - support tourist informationc centres in Moravian-Silesian region for project "Modern and efficient dissemination of information from the GOTIC"
Improving information services at GOTIC Mosty u Jablunkova
The aim of the project is to improve and develop the main tourist information point in Mosty u Jablunkova via the Gorol Information Centre. GOTIC runs its own website which has been restructured to incorporate databases and a foreign-language version.
Standardization, improvement and expansion of information services of the Gorol Tourist Information Centre in Mosty u Jablunkova
The aim of the project is to create a web-based presentation for the Gorol Tourist Information Centre (GOTIC) in Mosty u Jablunkova. GOTIC is the owner of the website, which contains basic information on services, the region, events etc.
Promoting Gorol folk culture across the Czech – Polish – Slovak borders
This project focuses on creating an ‘experience culture’ using typical folklore activities from the Gorol region straddling the borders of the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia.
The historic ‘Fojtství’ building in Mosty u Jablunkova – an interactive living museum of Gorol culture and customs
In the period 2008 – 2009, GOTIC was actively involved in this project, run by its controlling body the municipality of Mosty u Jablunkova. The project included the reconstruction of the roof space in the historic building, the resurfacing of the access road, alterations to the surrounding area and the purchase of furniture, exterior fittings and office equipment.