In this category you will find everything you need to know about tourism and travel in Mosty u Jablunkova and its surroundings areas. Just choose from one with a subcategory that will narrow down the selection of what you will find with us. Mosty u Jablunkova is an interesting tourist area, so you can experience a lot of fun and entertainment. From here you can also go for beautiful walks and long hikes to the Beskydy and surrounding countries, i.e. to Slovakia or Poland. Mosty u Jablunkova also boasts historical monuments such as the Šance Fortress, the Jablunkov Tunnel and the Church of St. Hedwig. There is also a large number of accommodation and restaurant establishments, ensuring the best conditions for a holiday right here in Mosty u Jablunkova.
Hiking in Mosty and surroundings
Attraction in Mosty and surroundings
Hiking and attraction in Teschen Beskydy

Trips along the “Šance” historical fortifications and the megoňka point of natural interest
If you enjoy visiting historical buildings, our region also has many things of interest to offer you.

With geocaching around Goralia
Geocaching is a game on the border between sport and tourism, which involves the use of the GPS system in the search for a hidden object called cache (or treasure), of which are known only its geographic coordinates. For the search is commonly used a GPS to find the treasure. For more information on geocaching visit www.geocaching.com or www.geocaching.cz.

Undemanding routes in the environs of Mosty u Jablunkova
The routes we offer are not overly demanding. So they are suitable for a quiet afternoon walk for weekend walkers and families with small children.